Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Brief 4 : Ancient Aliens Pyramids From around the World

Today I watched and took notes from the video shown below, a documentary about pyramids from around the world. It provided some really good information and contextual research to draw from whilst at the same time covering a lot of the theories both me and Oli want to tackle.

The documentary really helped to highlight how many pyramids their are around the world for me and Oli to base our brief on, Focusing on Egypt and Giza it would be nice to stem out and cover a variety of different cultures.

Below are a variety of screenshots I took interest in for reference material to draw from etc.

Peer Feedback : 20/02/2013

Portfolio Feedback :25/02/2013 Joe Gilmour

Today I had a portfolio surgery with Joe Gilmour and found it really useful. My portfolio boards can be seen below, I've realised I need to really tailor and tweak my portfolio as in its current stages I wouldn't feel comfortable showing it designers or studios.

Things I took from the Crit;

-Make sure all your margins are accurate and stick to a specific gridding throughout the whole portfolio. At the moment you can see different spacing between my images which needs to be tightened up and aligned properly.

-Work to a Portrait format and concentrate on using big images that show a lot than lots of small images that show completely nothing.

-It has to flow as a whole body of work and keep the viewer interested so I need to knock out projects that dont expose the potential I have as a designer. As many printed examples of publications as possible so that the viewer can flick through and feel how a project has been put together rather than trying to figure it out from an image.

-Strong project at the front, 2nd strongest in the back, third strongest brief in the middle.

-Attach business card in the front and in the back, Make sure typeface is consistent and weight/size etc.

Portfolio Boards (To be completed)

Brief 6 : The Rise of Computers

This brief is the one I'm least happy with after drafting so far, As it covers interesting subject matter bit is kind of repetitive in relation to my other briefs, this is the one that needs tweaking the most.

Brief 5 : Extinct Animal Pack

This brief is again focused on printed outcomes so I can really direct the projects that go into my portfolio. Based on research, I will investigate animals that have lived on the earth and died out to become extinct, producing a series of printed outcomes to be aimed at museums and students interested in geology, archaeology and history.

Brief 4 : (Collaboration) The relationship between the Pyramids and the Constellations

So far this brief is the one I'm most happy with and I feel its the brief could take off from the point go because Im so interested in the subject matter. It is a collaboration between me and Oliver Cassell another designer on the course, exploring pyramids and mega-lifts around the world to produce a publication and all the corresponding launch material to follow.

Brief 3 : Global Warming isn't cool.

This brief was inspired by my crit with fred, when he explained to me that studios and designers love it when briefs expose a lot of personal viewpoints and opinions of the designer it was create by. This brief is personal and will be an exploration into the data released about global warming with printed responses.

Brief 2 : The Rising Of Djent

The rising of Djent is another brief I've also written combining my interests outside of college and personal hobbies with a passion for print. This brief will involve creating a lot of printed media tailored to a research driven brief, which I think will be perfect material for my portfolio.

Brief 1 : The Universes Pupils SB

I've written the brief below to tailor my interests outside of graphic design and my decision to focus on handmade printed medium. This brief will be an extension of the clothing company I started to put together in the last module, extending this further to produce a sub genre of the brand based around northern skateboard culture.

Stament Of Intent

This is my Statement of Intent so far and Up to date with The briefs I've written for my proposal stament in the post below.

Crit : 28/1/2013

In todays Crit We each analysed the stages we were at with our brief writing and the progress made so far. From this point onwards I need to really start to look into each of my briefs and begin properly, I have alot of good ideas floating around and research visits/context built up but It need to be pulled together. 

After re-writing my Briefs I mainly got advice on where to go with what I was doing and peoples opinions on the briefs i've selected, So Far I think I've picked out a selection of briefs that suit me but I think considering my time management skills I think there is room for refinement in terms of the briefs I've chosen to do. 

Proposal Statement 2

This is my second up to date proposal statement, I've still been refining and improving my briefs in relation to how I want to focus my FMP on getting the most out of my time left on the course. I'm finding it difficult to aim the briefs at who I want to be by the end of the year In terms of a designer, So I'm in a process of refining briefs.

Crit - 24/1/2013

Today I attended a crit with Fred Bates, to discuss my proposal for FMP and the briefs I've been writing over the past few weeks. The briefs I'd chosen to do were all in contrasting fields of practice and jumped from subject to subject in a rather (Branding & Identity, Personal Briefs & competition briefs), I'd structured this to work broadly and not pin down my practice, which isn't what the marking scheme for course is asking for us to do. Instead we need a body of work for the FMP that directly shows our skills as a designed, all linked together to create an overall body that shows what you are passionate about within design. I think because I work in a variety of different areas and try to keep doing new things I haven't specifically picked an area of practice within graphic design to focus on because my work is very scattered.

I'd gone into the crit thinking I was a graphic artist who works with illustrator, who was going to complete a range of briefs from branding and identity to other personal briefs, but the way they were written wasn't direct enough. I think that I need to pin point the type of designer I want to be over the weekend and come back with a fresh set of briefs and ideas to work with. I found the crit unmannerly but hard hitting, I need to go away and come back with a better plan for my FMP.

Proposal One
