Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Crit - 24/1/2013

Today I attended a crit with Fred Bates, to discuss my proposal for FMP and the briefs I've been writing over the past few weeks. The briefs I'd chosen to do were all in contrasting fields of practice and jumped from subject to subject in a rather (Branding & Identity, Personal Briefs & competition briefs), I'd structured this to work broadly and not pin down my practice, which isn't what the marking scheme for course is asking for us to do. Instead we need a body of work for the FMP that directly shows our skills as a designed, all linked together to create an overall body that shows what you are passionate about within design. I think because I work in a variety of different areas and try to keep doing new things I haven't specifically picked an area of practice within graphic design to focus on because my work is very scattered.

I'd gone into the crit thinking I was a graphic artist who works with illustrator, who was going to complete a range of briefs from branding and identity to other personal briefs, but the way they were written wasn't direct enough. I think that I need to pin point the type of designer I want to be over the weekend and come back with a fresh set of briefs and ideas to work with. I found the crit unmannerly but hard hitting, I need to go away and come back with a better plan for my FMP.

Proposal One
