Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Final Proposal : Derived Briefs

After a long period of writing and re-writing my briefs the finalised Proposal Statement below outlining the complete set of briefs I wish to complete for my FMP. The last couple of weeks starting on my Egyptian brief and having opportunities given to me means I've replaced two of my briefs with new live briefs for clients. I've replaced the briefs (rising of djent and extinct animal pack with Moral Fibre and Sigmafly) I've gone with my instincts and dropped the last brief I wrote called the rise of computers.

To avoid confusion a clear List of numbered briefs is outlined below along with corresponding documents;


Brief 1: The Universes Pupils SB

Brief 2 : Sigma fly

Brief 3 : Global Warming Isn't Cool.

Brief 4 : The relationship between the pyramids and the constellations.

Brief 5 : Moral Fibre


Additional Brief 6 : Beth Owen Branding


Final Statement of Intent


Final proposal and preparation

All Briefs ( In Order)