Thursday, 9 May 2013

Brief 4 : Orion Theory, Planets, Constellations and Painting

Other than researching the Egyptian Pyramids, Our main theory talks about the position of the pyramids of Giza and their alignment within the star constellation. I've been collecting digrams and imagery to work from relating to space, nebulas and the constellations. Below is a brief bit of information collected to do with the main theory we're working with.

The Orion Theory

Before proceeding, it is important to clarify that Eric Wilson did not personally hypothesize the theory unto which we shall soon focus.

The theory was originally presented by Robert Bauval and Adrian Gilbert in The Orion Mystery. Subsequently, the hypothesis has been espoused on several television specials and documentaries. 

Robert Bauval discovered what Egyptologists have overlooked for centuries.

He simply superimposed the constellation of Orion (which Dynastic Egypt considered the celestial counterpart of their god Osiris) onto the terra of Giza and surrounding regions. The idea was that the three belt stars of Orion: Alnitak, Alnilam, and Mintaka, coincide precisely via angular alignments to the three pyramids at Giza: Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure.

If this correlation were correct, then one would expect that other structures might coincide with the other stars in the constellation. Indeed, Bauval claimed to have located two such structures. (For reference, all pyramids correlating to the Orion constellation shall be referred to as "Orion Pyramids". Those include the 3 pyramids at Giza as well as the pyramids at Abu Ruwash and Zawyat Al Aryan). 

According to Bauval, the remains of a pyramid north of Giza at Abu Ruwash and similar remains south of Giza at Zawyat Al Aryan seemed to correlate to the stars Saiph and Bellatrix. Saiph is the star considered to be Orion's right knee and Bellatrix is Orion's left shoulder (using Orion's perspective rather than Earth's). 

Wilson was intrigued by Bauval's original proposal, but apparently found an incongruity. It appeared that Bauval had incorrectly placed the superimposition of Orion onto the topography of Giza. Wilson found that based upon the precise relationship of angulation between the three pyramids at Giza and the stars in Orion's belt, the terrestrial coordinates for Saiph and Bellatrix would not place them at Abu Ruwash and Zawyat Al Aryan, but elsewhere.

Even more intriguing, Wilson discovered that the pyramids present at Abu Ruwash and Zawyat Al Aryan aligned perfectly to the right ascension and declination (celestial latitude and longitude) of the stars Rigel (Orion's left knee) and Betelgeuse (Orion's right shoulder).

In other words, Wilson discovered that by swiveling the constellation so that the star Rigel lay over the pyramid at Abu Ruwash, and the star Betelgeuse lay over the pyramid at Zawyat Al Aryan, the angulation became exact! 

Using the Global Positioning Satellite System (Wilson was able to enter his knowns - i.e. the positions of the pyramids at Giza), and calculate the longitudinal and latitudinal positions of Orion's stars relative to their right ascensions and declinations. Then it was simply a matter of letting the United States' 24 orbiting satellites show the way, as they did for us in December, 1996. 

Not only did the GPS confirm Abu Ruwash and Zawyat Al Aryan as the stars Rigel and Betelgeuse, but it predicted the true locations for Saiph and Bellatrix. Wilson succeeded in locating these positions and found evidence that subterranean remains still exist, and/or structures one existed, at both sites. 

However, Wilson calculated the terrestrial positions for the stars that make up Orion's head (Meissa) and dagger (M42/M43). Additionally, Wilson located the terrestrial position for the star Leporis in the constellation of Lepus (adjacent to Orion).

All three of these sites exhibit curious evidence in support of The Orion Pyramid Theory. 


Below I have collected a variety of images of space to get me inspired to create artwork for mine and Oli's limited edition posters to go alongside our publication. I've been intending on going on a research visit to Jodrell Bank in Cheshire, a very large satellite dish which is open to the public and provides information on the stars. I've been chatting to a few different people who suggested I go down to Vernon Street and rent out their books on the constellations as they have a huge range of material. 


Outside of our the FMP, I've been working on a space themed painting in someones house for an art event taking place over the weekend. Even though this isn't part of my FMP I've been working with spray paint to create geometrical patterns and shapes relating to space. I think this process off splattering and layering paint could be an awesome way to quickly produce covers that are completely unique.